Sunday, July 6, 2008

totally turn-off

  • guys with bad BO.. lyk duh!! seriously, nobody likes humans with bad body odour. I mean at least, pleaassee.. just get a deodorant la.. it dosent cost that much anyway! seriously sometimes when guys sweat lots, its like 'OMG that dude stinks real bad' and its a turn off

  • no offence, but guys should be somewhat fit. I mean its not like getting muscle, 6 pax and all but stay balance la..

seriously, to most guys, they complaint about gurl's bodies and how it suppose to be. ( gurls suppose to be slim and all) Hey, same goes to the girls.. most gurls dont like overweight guys!

  • un-gentlemen! yeah.. you heard me right. its one of the major turn off to a gurl. at least la, help a gurl to carry some books if u see her carring loads of them!! Just lend a hand le.. tho
  • know the limit when it comes to talk dirty ( horney)! lolz seriously, i mean as a joke its ok le but still then just dont go off the limit la.. like talking bout 'porn' when gurls are around. it is rather annoying , discusting, and a bastard.. and a TURN OFF !!its like saying gurls are some kind of slut or 'cheap'
  • physical appearance. its not like guys have to be as perfect as Prince Charming but then at least make an effort to take care of your looks la.. same thing applies there if guys dun like gurls whole face filled with zits, then gurls also dunt like guys face filled wit zits !! DUH!!
  • Dress Code. dress somewhat well.. not dress to kill but at least put effort in when it comes to choosing clothes.. you are wearing the clothes and not the clothes wearing you! it not bout the brand, the clothes could cost RM 10 to RM 10k but if the clothes really suits that person, he will look good no matter how he looks!
  • cocky guys!! most gurls feels like slapping him on the face! *slap*
  • 'Guys with no balls' what i mean is guys with no guts to strike a convosation with a gurl. come on la, if gurls can strike a convo with guys, then if guys cant do it then it would be like err..[insert word here]
  • SDA!! Stupid Dumb and Annoying!!

oyeah, this are not like high expectation from gurls.. its just basics and it COMMON SENSE!!

p/s: Male By Birth But Man By Choice!